Adult Leagues
Winter / Spring Season Registration Open!
Registration closes February 10th for all Leagues.
Monday Men’s
Starts February 3rd
Wednesday Coed
Starts February 12th
Sunday Coed
Starts February 16th
Thursday Men’s Over 35
Starts February 20th
9 week season
Team Sign Up $895
Individual Sign Up $135
Weekday games start at
7:00, 7:55, 8:50, 9:45 and 10:40
Sunday games start at
6:00, 6:55, 7:50, 8:45, 9:40 and 10:35
(Sunday games times subject to change depending on Youth League program. Games will start no earlier than 5:00 and no later than 10:35 if changed).
➣ Active Annual Maintenance Fee required ($25) for all players.
➣ League shirts available $15 per player (included with Individual Player sign up).
For further info, please email us at